11 July 2009

Ghost stories.

I got some intresting ghost stories to share :D

Why did you change so much?


Laoshi was dam funny,she coperated with us,so we did her work (:
She told us ghost stories and i'm going to share in the end of the post.


Hmmm,the teacher was alright uh,abit to young,but ah no offence laaa,
i prefer Mrs G ): Awwww,her teaching is still the best and understand-able uh. (:


Nothing much,cause no time.


Ohmy,everyone was sibei high lehh,Hahahaha macham like kena drug -.-
Everyone was like screaming and shouting like in their own world.
Mrs T said she hate friday cause everyone was super high,
(cause school release early!) hahaahahahah everyone was asking whether is she having a baby.

As for asses,we did the same thing,cutting out those dead people pictures
from the newspaper and pass it to Fazirah,Hahahahahah we kept in her walllet but then she found out ): Shit her,why so smart/

After school,

Stay back for the F&N tuition class,HAHAHHA
Keep on meh-ing all the wayy,cause of some reasons -.- HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

After that went compass to find Fazirah,Farah&Mad cause they said some minah say
that they want to beat them up,ohmyy so lame,HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA
There is this guy who put fake tattoo,FAKE.

Like come'on laaa,got guts go put real one,don't need act like one big beng.
You are the one who are going to xiasuay yourself,cause if people found out is fake,
who is the xiasuay one?

NO BRAIN,going to KO cause super tired )))))):

Ghost story number 1,

Laoshi said that there is this woman who is married,and she and her husband are going for one wedding dinner,and then whenever a woman go for a dinner,they sure make up and comb their hair nicenice etc etc laaa,after combing her hair,she left the mirror but her face was till in the mirror,like her face and her expression are still in the mirror.But she's already not at the mirror!

Ghost story number 2,

She said something about dream,
she said there was this girl,who always dream about herself in a bigbig house walking around.
So she decided to go find a bigbig house to move into with her husband.
Then they came by this bigbig house writting,ON SALES,so went they went in and see,
there was this man who is dam shock to see her,know whyy?

Tell you in my neext post :P

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